List of Sale outlets established at the Highest altitude and having minimum No. of Ration Tickets   Reaches. PDF

Shri Amar Nath Ji Yatra 2018.html

Details of Wholesale K.Oil dealers of Kashmir Valley.
Retail Dealers. PDF
Inmates beneficiaries of welfare institution Hostels of Kashmir Division. PDF list of inmates. PDF
Details of Retail K. Oil Dealers of District Srinagar
Wholesale Dealers. PDF

The Jammu and Kashmir Subsidized Kerosene oil Licensing and distribution order 2022.pdf


Highest number of Ration Tickets in Srinagar South and Srinagar North .html


Notification dated 25-03-2022 S.O. 108 in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of Essential Commodities Act, 1955 ( 10 of 1955 read with Ministry of Commerce, Government of  India S.O.No 2515 dated 10-19-1968 .pdf.

Final Selection list of District cadre pots of Depot Assistant Item No. 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34  and 35 Advertised vide notification No.03 of 2020 under PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants and Non Migrants Kashmiri Pandits. pdf

300 post of Depot Assistant FCS&CA Kashmir. PDF

Notification dated 15-10-2021.pdf



The Directorate of J&K FCS&CA is responsible for the formulation of policies for Monitoring Prices, availability of essential commodities, Consumer Movement in the State and Controlling of statutory bodies like Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Weights and Measures. The Department is entrusted with the following works:- Prevention of Black-marketing and Maintenance of Supply of Essential Commodities Act, 1980 (7 of 1980). Persons subjected to detention there under. Regulation of Packaged Commodities.     ;  


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The Directorate of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of J&K enforces The Essential Commodities Act 1955 and various Control Orders issued there under to ensure proper control of the supply and distribution of, and trade and commerce in, certain commodities. The Department also administers the Targeted Public Distribution System which is an important constituent of the strategy for food security to the population Below Poverty Line.
                                                                       Website Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre, Jammu & Kashmir.
                                                                     Content Provided and Maintained by Directorate of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs  Kashmir,